Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Goodnight Bed

Last Friday we said goodbye to our beautiful and wonderful bed. For those of you who don't know Chad made our bed as a wedding present right before we got married. It was an awesome bed. We had gone and looked at furniture stores to see if Chad could replicate one because we knew there was no way we would ever spend that much money on a bed, regardless of being able to afford it or not. We looked at pictures online and measured out beds at furniture stores and he decided that he would *just* make one. No biggie. Love my husband.

So he did. He built our bed in my parents garage while we planned and got ready for our wedding. I helped every now and again, but only if he needed an extra set of hands. It was then that I really learned how handy/crafty/awesome my husband can be/is. Our bed was everything we/I wanted it to be! It was a beast of a bed to move into our apartment (I was soooo glad I was at work that day, thanks boys!), and then back to my parents house and then into a moving truck and then into our new apartment (no boys to help out here). And by the time our wedding bed had made it into our new home we knew that this was the last move for it. And it made me sad to think that I wouldn't have it forever.

Then we went to Hawaii. We slept in a King bed. It was glorious. Again, it could have been the lack of animals or the fact that we went to bed at near exaustion every night, but it was simply glorious and we had never slept better. Fast forward 3 weeks later when I get a text from Cheryl. "we have a King sized mattress and frame you can have for 50 bucks". SOLD!

While I am sad that we aren't sleeping on our wedding bed anymore it's now right across the hall in our guest room. That's right, our guests can now sleep on a bed instead of our garbage couch! Get excited people! That also means that Chad and I can sleep even though our crazy animals sneak into our bed in the dead of night. I can roll over. Yup, I am no longer wedged between cat and dog and Chad. I can MOVE at night without waking up and throwing animals acoss the room.

It also meant that it was project time. That lovely husband of mine decided that he would build yet another bed for us. You all know he loves himself a project. So after we picked up the mattress we headed out to my least favorite place in the world Home Depot to pick up supplies. Two trips later and 10 o'clock at night Chad put the bed together. He is nothing if not efficient. We decided to go simpler this time since the bed takes up more space in our room. We white(gray?)-washed it yesterday and it's done. It was a fast and easy project and we love how it turned out! Thanks for yet another bed love!

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome that Cheryl gave you such a deal. The new bed looks great!
