Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day is for....

 Labor Day is for.... Eating!!!  :)

We didn't have any sweet BBQ's or parties to go to over the weekend so we decided to have our own! We had a ridiculous amount of food and it was glorious. Mmmmm!

It was our 2nd attempt at Queso. This time went much, much better. We had nachos for dinner tonight smothered in left over delicious queso. Every meal will now have queso until we run out and cry.


We bought a Pomegranate and juiced it. It gave us 1/2 cup. Not a lot of bang for your buck here. No wonder Pomegranate juice is so freaking expensive!

Our house was literally 90 degrees by the time we were done cooking everything, our A/C couldn't keep up to save it's life. We were a hot, sticky, full and happy mess!

We hope you had a fun Labor Day as well, full of food, fun, family, and hopefully no work! ;)


  1. Great photos and it all looks delicious

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm deviled eggs

    also, is Chad wearing a FNL T-shirt? I hope so because awesome. If not, just let me pretend that's what it is.

    1. Oh course. When does chad do things that aren't awesome? LOL
      Did you guys have an awesome labor day?
