Wednesday, October 17, 2012


A big thank you to Meg for this nomination!
The Liebster Blog Award “is all about discovering blogs, and helping those with less than 200 followers to get recognized."
The Rules:
  • Each person awarded must post 11 facts about themselves.
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominator has set for them.
  • Create 11 more questions for the bloggers they will nominate.
  • Choose 5 bloggers to nominate.
  • Let the lucky bloggers know.
Not going to lie, I feel a little like I'm in 5th grade and someone just handed me a chain letter :) After a little googling I found out that I won't die in 7 days, never find true love, or loose my family to zoombies if I don't play along. But it seemed like good fun so I'm in ;)
11 random facts about me:
  • I would rather run in peace and quiet than listen to music.
  • I hate taking showers, they are one of those things I would love to not have to do.
  • I love organizing! And Lists! Almost as much as Liz Lemon.
  • I love decorating cakes and sugar cookies.
  • Rainy days full of hot chocolate, pj's and tv are my favorite.
  • I hate talking on the phone (unless it's my family!), I don't even like ordering a pizza on the phone.
  • I would love to learn to sew.
  • I hate getting my hair done, I get way too stressed out about it.
  • I don't like pop. I'm a water gal except....
  • I love redbull!
  •  I eat a spoonful of brown sugar anytime it's called for in a recipe. Ok, 2.
Meg's Questions for Me:
What is your favorite song at this very moment? We Are Young, FUN

What is your favorite perfume? Whatever I happen to get at Bath and Body Works, or another kind that I swooped from my sister in law, Tracy, before I was even married ;)  Not a huge perfume gal due to being in small rooms with patients, their perfume is usually waaay too much without me wearing some as well.

What is your favorite quote? I don't know if this is so much a quote... but I like it :)

Pinned Image

What is your comfort food? Mexican! Nachos with queso and guacomole, OMG.

What is one thing that can make you laugh, no matter what mood you're in? Chad, even when I'm mad at him he can get me to laugh, which is quite irritating at the time :)

What is something that you are afraid of? Heights, spiders, cockroaches, Chad's driving (LOL, just kidding...), I'm a worry wart.

What is something most people don't know about you? I've had gray hairs forever. I remember my hairdresser pulling them out when I was little. Chad would do this too until there were just too many...

What is one thing you wish was a trend in fashion? Over sized sweatshirts and pajama pants. I'm classy like that.

What is the story behind your blog url? Chad and I are the two love birds (awwww) and at the time we were moving across the country for him to start school. We knew that we would be moving around for the next decade or so (med school is in our not too distant future) and that we would be without a permanant home, or nest.

What is your favorite movie? I'm one of those people who isn't a huge fan of re-watching movies...

Do you have a favorite constellation? If yes, which one?  LOL, I can't even find the big dipper in the sky!

I nominate:

Sonja @ GingerSnap
Melanie @ Me&Mr

The lovely questions are:

  1. What are you being for Halloween?
  2. What's your favorite Dessert?
  3. Favorite item of clothing?
  4. What is your dream job?
  5. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
  6. Why did you start blogging?
  7. Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
  8. What reality show would you be on?
  9. Favorite Vegetable?
  10. What would be your dream pet?
  11. What's your perfect day?


  1. I LOVED reading your answers!! :-) That is so funny you don't re-watch movies haha!! I love Mexican food, too! I knew we were destined to be friends :-D Xo

    1. Thanks for the nomination! I had such a fun time with this! :)

  2. Thanks for the nomination!!!! :)


  3. I can relate to many of your answers haha I hate talking on the phone! I try so hard to not laugh at my husband when I'm upset, but he always gets me to. I'm also a huge worry wart :)

  4. Your blog is so amazing! Love your answers so much!
    You have a new follower (Gloria Pepe 32 via GFC)! Hope you'll do the same, dear!
    Thank you!


  5. Congrats on your award! I got nominated too - and funny thing, I also nominated Kaeli from The Broadcloth :)...she's awesome.

    Glad I found you through Mormon Fashion Bloggers - I'm your newest follower, hope you like/follow my blog too:

  6. Thanks for the nomination!
